Costa Rica Photo Safari 2005

December 2nd - 10th

Donald L. Cohen, MD - DLC Photography

Tentative Workshop Agenda


The topics covered during the Workshops will be customized according to the specific experience level, needs and requests of the participants, based on information that will be obtained from questionnaires to be sent out in advance. Potential areas include: choices in equipment (cameras, lenses, accessories), the basics of exposure, getting the most out of your camera's light meter, flash and fill-flash photography, composition basics, how to capture the image you're looking for, understanding the basics of using a digital camera (file format options, including Raw Format, histograms, white balance, etc.), Photoshop editing (basic and advanced), Color Management, printing your images, and addressing storage, organizational and archiving issues, enabling the participants to design an overall Workflow that will meet their individual needs.

The sessions will be very interactive in nature, and using my LCD Projector, we will have the ability to view and learn from images taken during our photo outings, as well as demonstrate, in real-time, Photoshop techniques and use of various software applications.

The following Outline summarizes many of the areas that will be covered:

Creating High-Quality Nature Photographs: A Practical Guide

You don't have to be an engineer or computer geek to capture beautiful images: who's behind the camera is more important than what's in front. But a basic understanding of the fundamentals allows you to be in control of your photography and capture the images you see in your mind's eye.

1. Equipment Choices:

Camera: 'point-and-shoot' through SLR's with interchangeable lenses
Film vs Digital
Lens selection: zoom vs prime, focal length, aperture, Image Stabilization
Support: tripods, heads, gimbal mounts, etc.

2. The Basics of Exposure:

Understanding and using exposure modes: manual, aperture priority, shutter-speed priority
Understanding ISO and how to use it to your advantage
How your light meter works, and using EV Compensation to achieve proper exposure
Avoid "blowing out the highlights" while "exposing to the right."

3. Use of Electronic Flash in Outdoor Photography:

Flash as "main"
Flash Exposure Compensation
Synch speed issues
"Flash Extenders"

4. Digital Photography:

Understanding a Histogram
Storage Media
File Formats
Getting images from your camera to your computer
Working with Raw Format
Cataloguing and Organizing your images
Image Storage and Archiving Strategies
Sensor Cleaning Options

5. The Basics of Composition:

"Rule of Thirds"
Subject choice and placement
Check the background!
Depth of Field

6. Photo-Editing: Photoshop CS2

Levels Tool
Curves Tool
Highlight & Shadows Tool
Using the versatile History Brush
Clone and Healing Tools
16-bit vs 8-bit Files

7. Basics of Color Profiles and Color Spaces

What are Profiles, and why are they necessary?
What Color Space should I use?
How do I implement a Color Management strategy?

8. Printing Your Images:

Online Services
Local Photo Labs
Do-It-Yourself: Inkjet Printers

For all inquiries, and to make a reservation, my contact information is:

704-664-6077 - phone

704-973-7778 - fax

Costa Rica Photo Safari 2005 Home Page

DLC Photography Home Page